Monday, November 12, 2012

I don't like weights, I'm more of a cardio person.

If you have ever said this than I encourage you to go strength train. This means that you, more than ever, need to pick up some weights. You are missing a crucial part of getting and staying fit. If all you have ever done is 'cardio' then I am also going to assume that you haven't found the body and the results that you want. That is a pretty safe assumption. Weights aren't that scary. I promise.

Good reasons to throw around some dumbbells.

1. Gains in lean muscle mass. Lean muscle mass helps burn fat all day, everyday. Not just while you are toting along on a 'cardio' machine.

2. (For ladies) This is how ladies get toned! Lift. Heavy. Challenge yourself. Light weights, more reps builds muscle endurance, not strength. Women cannot get bulky like men without the aid of supplements or steroids. FACT! Women do not possess sufficient testosterone levels.

3. Building bone density. Stronger bones means longer, healthier life.

4. Strength training has great residual calorie burn. Your body continues to burn calories long after you are done with your workout.

5. The final and most important: Injury prevention. Strong bodies aren't broken as easily.

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