Thursday, June 2, 2011

Getting off the scale, getting a new mindset.

Alright, I'm just going to come right out and say it. I want you to walk over to that awesome new fancy scale you just bought, pick it up, walk over to your trash can, and drop it in. Oh yes, I said it. And I mean it. If you are using your scale as the end all be all means of telling whether you are getting healthier by losing weight, end it now. That is one of the most unhealthy and unreliable methods there is to telling whether you are reaching your fitness goals. You have to get the number out of your mind. The number on the scale means absolutely nothing. I can tell you this, if you are dieting and exercising the way that you should be the number on that scale just may increase. Yes ma'am, yes sir, it just may increase if you are doing everything you are supposed to be doing when looking to make long term healthy changes in your life.
Think about this, if you go from a state of never exercising or exercising sporadicaly to exercising all the time you are going to gain muscle before anything else happens. Muscle is weight, good weight, but still weight. So when you step on the scale for the first time after starting your serious exercise regimen that number is more than likely going to be more than when you started. This is normal. Think of the scale as more of a starting point. Look at your number in the beginning and let that guide you towards your goal. Once you are into your workout routine for a few months, then check it again and see where you have gotten. That's all you should ever use it for.
For my clients I find that measuring inches of extremities and waist line is a more effective approach at measuring results. Your arms are going to change shape with new muscle, same as your legs and your waist will start to get smaller. These new muscles are going to help burn the fat that you want to lose. But you first have to gain the muscle. As I said before, new muscle equals new weight.
Don't let the scale tell you whether or not you're on the right track because no matter how 'smart' your scale is it still has no idea who you are and its just programmed to give a number, a number that really, truly means nothing. Fit and Healthy comes in all different shapes and sizes. So find the shape and size that best fits your body type and get off that scale!

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