Friday, March 8, 2013

Don't fear the bad food, just moderate.

Let's be honest for the next few minutes. When is the last time you ingested something that wasn't 'good for you'? It's probably more recent than you'd like to admit. Guess what? It's okay. You haven't failed your plans for a healthier lifestyle. I feel pretty strongly when I say everyone at some point eats food that isn't considered part of a healthy diet. I love the way healthy food makes me feel and I love exercise and treating my body kindly but on the weekend if I want to have a beer and a burger I will most definitely partake, with much glee, in a beer and a burger. The key is moderation. Earn it, eat it, and don't feel bad for it. Health is just as much physical as it is psychological. Bad feelings towards eating something that you feel you shouldn't have just brings you down. Just keep moving, keep sweating, and don't fret over a slice of pizza (or two). It won't ruin all of your hard work.

If you want another vote of confidence look at the diet of a professional wrestler on his cheat day. Look it up, I dare you. You'll be amazed.

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